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Measurements Overview

HOVER delivers the most detailed and accurate measurements within the industry. Here’s an overview of all the information that is included in our Measurements Reports.


Good for quick roof measurements

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Better for detailed exterior measurements

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Roof footprints

Roof facets, pitches, ridges/hips, valleys, rakes, eaves, flashing, step flashing, drip edge/perimeter

Soffit footprint with the depth, length and area for each soffit

Gutters and downspout sketch, count and length

Areas for each facade and siding per elevation

Facades, elevations

Area and length for level starter, sloped trim and vertical trim

Quantity and length for inside and outside corners

Siding waste factor calculations

Areas and length for eaves fascia, level frieze board, rakes and sloped frieze boars

Quantity, tops length, sills length, sides length, total perimeter, width and height, united inches and area for all openings

Quantity and area for shutters and vents

Elevation sketches


Good for quick roof measurements

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Better for detailed exterior measurements

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Roof footprints

Roof facets, pitches, ridges/hips, valleys, rakes, eaves, flashing, step flashing, drip edge/perimeter

Soffit footprint with the depth, length and area for each soffit

Gutters and downspout sketch, count and length

Areas for each facade and siding per elevation

Facades, elevations

Area and length for level starter, sloped trim and vertical trim

Quantity and length for inside and outside corners

Siding waste factor calculations

Areas and length for eaves fascia, level frieze board, rakes and sloped frieze boars

Quantity, tops length, sills length, sides length, total perimeter, width and height, united inches and area for all openings

Quantity and area for shutters and vents

Elevation sketches

Roof footprints

Roof facets, pitches, ridges/hips, valleys, rakes, eaves, flashing, step flashing, drip edge/perimeter

Soffit footprint with the depth, length and area for each soffit

Gutters and downspout sketch, count and length

Areas for each facade and siding per elevation

Facades, elevations

Area and length for level starter, sloped trim and vertical trim

Quantity and length for inside and outside corners

Siding waste factor calculations

Areas and length for eaves fascia, level frieze board, rakes and sloped frieze boars

Quantity, tops length, sills length, sides length, total perimeter, width and height, united inches and area for all openings

Quantity and area for shutters and vents

Elevation sketches


Good for quick roof measurements

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